Are Spider Plants Winter Hardy?

Spider plants are known for being very easy to care for, but are spider plants winter hardy or do they need to be kept away from colder temperatures?

Spider plants can survive winter in most cases, especially indoors, but if the temperatures drop below 35°F then you will run into problems. Between 35°F and 55°F overall plant growth will slow down drastically, but the plant will remain healthy.

Spider Plant Winter Hardiness Outdoors

Spider plants can grow happily outside as a perennial in USDA zones 9-11.

If you live in an area where the temperature drops below 35°F regularly during the winter then you need to bring your spider plant inside. It doesn’t matter what precautions you take, as under this temperature the plant will be at risk of freezing and ultimately dying.

It’s also a good idea to bring your plant inside if the temperature is between 35°F and 55°F outside, as spider plants thrive in warmer temperatures.

Spider Plant Winter Hardiness Indoors

The difference between keeping a spider plant inside during the winter is that the temperature will never drop below 35°F, or I’ve never known a house get to this low temperature inside anyway!

Even if the temperature is between 35°F and 55°F inside your spider plant will remain healthy and grow, just at a slower rate than usual. This is no big deal, and most houseplants such as pothos grow much more slowly during this season.

Although spider plants will survive indoors over the winter, there are a few things you need to know to make sure your plant stays healthy as there are a few small differences in care during this season.

How To Take Care Of A Spider Plant During Winter

Here are a few tips for keeping your spider plant healthy during the winter that I’ve personally used and had success with.

Water Less

Spider plants require less water during the winter as they naturally grow much slower in colder temperatures.

I find that watering once every two to three weeks during the winter is plenty for my spider plants, but this does vary depending on the conditions of where your plant is growing.

A good rule of thumb is to water twice as less as you would in the summer, and then experiment from there. If the soil becomes too dry (check the top few inches)

Fertilize Less

Similarly to watering, you’ll also want to fertilize less during winter months.

I personally avoid fertilizing my spider plants at all during the winter, but it depends on how cold it gets. Use the same rule as watering and cut your fertilizing down to twice as little as you would during the summer and go from there.

Avoid Big Temperature Fluctuations

During winter you’ll no doubt be using heating a lot, and this will cause the temperature to fluctuate.

Big temperature fluctuations can cause spider plants to go into shock, so avoid placing your spider plant in an area where the temperature will vary. I try to my spider plants away from my electric heaters, and doors or windows that cause big draughts.

Don’t Mist

I don’t recommend misting your houseplants at all, but during the winter this is especially bad.

The excess moisture won’t evaporate easily in cold conditions and will attract pests and leave behind marks as it slowly evaporates. It can also lead to overwatering if you mist regularly, so I would avoid misting.

If you want to know why I don’t like misting my houseplants you can read this article.

Consider Sunlight

The amount of sunlight is drastically reduced in the winter, so move your spider plant somewhere where it will get more sunlight.

I keep my spider plants in quite a shaded location during the summer, and in the winter I move them into the kitchen next to a large window where they receive more sunlight.

What To Expect From A Spider Plant During Winter

At temperatures between 35°F and 55°F, which is a common range indoors during the winter, spider plants tend to slow down. They will grow slower, produce fewer plantlets and likely grow no flowers at all (yep, spider plants do actually flower).

This happens across most houseplants, and during the winter you’ll find that your houseplant routine will become much easier to handle – especially if you have multiple houseplants as I do.

At the time of writing this article, my spider plants have gone through two winters in a relatively cold apartment and are still thriving. Reducing the water seems to be the best piece of advice that I can share when keeping spider plants healthy through the winter months.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Joe! I'm the head of SEO and content management at Bloom and Bumble. I'm a huge plant lover and over the years my home has become more like an indoor rainforest. It has taken a lot of trial and error to keep my plants healthy and so I'm here to share my knowledge to the rest of the world.

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