Honey comes in a lot of different forms and varieties – one of which is creamed honey – but how is creamed honey made and what makes it special?
Creamed honey is honey that has been crystallized in a controlled environment, turning it from a liquid to a smooth spread. You can make your own creamed honey by a process that involves a lot of stirring and some resting time for the honey before use.
Do you enjoy creamed honey? Keep reading to learn more about making your own!
Creamed Honey
Creamed honey is a delicious variation on liquid honey that does not necessarily have any additives, it has just been processed and crystallized. Crystallization turns the honey from the golden liquid that we all know and love to a new, spreadable type of honey- that makes a lot of sense on warm toast!
For the honey to maintain the smooth, creamy texture, it must be finely granulated honey – too many big sugar crystals and you will get hard-set candy which is more like hard candy or sugar.
The basic process of turning honey into crystallized or creamed honey requires a controlled temperature and moisture content as it will turn back to liquid if it becomes too warm, such as at temperatures above 75-degrees Fahrenheit.
There are a couple of ways to make creamed honey for yourself, but the easiest is to combine your liquid honey with a bit of ‘starter honey’. This process doesn’t require much more than a large bowl for mixing, a big spoon or whisk, and a lot of elbow grease! More on making your own honey coming up soon!
Raw Honey Crystallization
When honey cools down, it can crystallize from the sugar attaching to the pollen in raw honey, forming sugary honey crystals. If allowed to crystallize beyond this gritty, crystallized form, the honey becomes hard-set honey which is hard and solid.
There is nothing wrong with this honey, however- it has simply undergone a chemical change.
There are not a lot of uses for hard-set honey unless you like to nibble on it or dissolve it in a hot cup of tea. If you want to reverse the crystallization of honey, you will need to add heat. Do not add a direct heat source, however- try a warm water bath to slowly warm the honey back to liquid form.
Creamed honey is honey that is crystallized in a controlled environment to ensure lots of very small honey sugar crystals. This changes the texture to a smoother, spreadable consistency that we now know is creamed honey.
Honey by Many Other Names
Creamed honey is called a lot of things, including delicious! Some monikers for this treat include spun honey, whipped honey, granulated honey, churned honey, fondant honey, honey butter, and soft-set honey- it really depends on who you ask.
The names are different, but they all refer to honey that is changed into a creamy spread through a controlled crystallization process. It is quite easy to make your own creamed honey at home- try the recipe that is coming up soon for your own version!
There is a misconception that creamed honey contains the addition of dairy- which it does not. Another popular misnomer is that whipped honey involves beating in air – again, not the case.
Do-It-Yourself Creamed Honey Recipe
Ready for that creamed honey recipe that you were promised? Here it is:
The ingredients for this recipe include 7 pounds of raw liquid honey and 1 pound of clover creamed honey, which will serve as your starter honey.
- Use a large bowl and the honey should be at room temperature, but not higher than 75-degrees Fahrenheit or it will not crystallize. Combine the 7 pounds of honey and 1 pound of starter honey in the bowl and allow yourself plenty of space to work.
- The next step involves stirring- lots of it. Combine and meld the honey together, then stir again. Allow the honey mixture to sit and rest so air can escape for a few moments.
- Pour the honey into containers and seal tightly. Allow a bit of headspace around the top of each container.
Leave the containers of honey in a cool place, like a basement, for a couple of weeks. After this, your honey should be ready.
Want to get a bit creative with your creamed honey?
Consider adding some other flavors to make the honey special. For instance, add a sprinkle of cinnamon, cocoa powder, or dried fruit to the honey mixture just before you pour it into the containers and seal.
Enjoying and Storing Creamed Honey
So, now that you know about creamed honey, how will you use and enjoy it? Know that you can substitute creamed honey for regular, liquid honey when cooking or baking with it. It makes an excellent sweetener instead of sugar in your favorite cookies or quick bread.
You can also smear it on a warm bagel, toasted muffin, or piece of homemade bread. Stir some in a cup of coffee or tea until dissolved. Do you like biscuits or scones? Spread generously with creamed honey and your favorite jam.
The honey flavor really comes through due to the density of the creamed honey- the flavor is inherently more intense. Creamed honey is easier to spread and manage than liquid honey with children at the table- a lot less mess!
The best way to store creamed honey is in a cool, dry place. Most people store their creamed honey in tightly closed containers in the refrigerator. Temperatures above 75-degrees Fahrenheit are problematic for creamed honey and can change the texture and consistency, turning the honey back into liquid form.
Looking for a sweet treat? You can’t go wrong with creamed honey- plus, it is easy to make! Try these tips and recipes for your own creamed or crystallized honey, too.