If you want to learn how to make hoyas grow faster then this is the article for you.
There are several ways to speed up the growth of hoya. These include the right temperature, humidity, well-draining soil, and bright but indirect sunlight.
Keep reading to learn 5 different ways to make your hoya grow faster and much more.
How Fast Do Hoyas Grow?
Before we get into how to get your hoya to grow faster, it’s important to have reasonable expectations. This will also allow you to know if your hoya is growing well, or if you need to improve its conditions.
It’s also important to understand that a hoya is a long-term investment. It can take 2 to 7 years for the plant to reach maturity and start flowering. Sure, you can get your hoya to grow faster, but you’ll need to have a lot of patience as well.
How fast a hoya grows depends on the species. They can be divided into species with small leaves, and those with large leaves. Species with large leaves will grow much slower than those with small leaves because growth takes more energy for them.
You can expect to see significant growth every few months throughout the spring and summer months.
How To Make A Hoya Grow Faster: 5 Easy Tips
Here are 5 easy ways to make sure your hoya grows as fast as possible.
1. Proper Temperature
As hoyas are native to warm Southern Asian countries, they do well in a warm environment. They prefer a temperature between 60 and 85 degrees.
If the temperature drops below 60 degrees, flower production will slow or stop. If the temperatures fall lower, the hoya will wilt. The leaves may turn yellow or brown, and eventually black. This can signal the eventual death of the plant.
Temperature fluctuations are also stressful for the plant. It’s best to place it in an area of your home with a steady temperature. Avoid placing it next to an air conditioning or heating vent. It’s also wise to keep it away from exterior doors, which can allow significant hot or cold drafts inside.
2. Water Correctly
Another way to speed your hoya’s growth is to water them correctly. Both over or under-watering can be problematic for the hoya. Underwatering will cause the plant to become dehydrated and dry out. Overwatering will prevent the roots from taking in nutrients and can cause root rot over time.
Symptoms of Improper Watering
Both under and over-watering will cause yellow leaves, leaf drop, and wilting. If your hoya is underwatered, the leaves will appear papery or dry.
If over-watering is the cause, the leaves will be yellow and wilted. The roots of the plant will become brown and mushy if root rot takes hold. Root rot can be fatal for your hoya if not treated properly.
The easiest way to determine if you have a watering issue is to check the soil. If the soil is very dry, your hoya may be overwatered. If the soil is waterlogged, it’s overwatered.
Watering The Hoya Properly
You’ll know your hoya needs watering when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil is dry.
Before watering, allow the water to sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours. This allows chlorine and other contaminants to evaporate from the water before you apply it to your plants.
It also allows the water to become the ideal temperature for hoyas.
3. Correct Pot and Soil Type
Be sure that the pot is the correct size for your hoya. Hoyas like being confined in a small pot. They can stay in a pot for 2 to 3 years before needing to be repotted.
Don’t put them in a pot that is too large. This will increase the odds of root rot. A pot that is too small can cause the plant to become root bound, and not able to access enough nutrients.
The soil should be well draining. You can add drainage capacity by adding perlite, pumice, or sand to the soil. The pot should have drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.
4. Proper Lighting
Light is essential for plant growth. Light is used by plants to make photosynthesis, which provides them with their energy. Without enough light, photosynthesis slows. When this occurs, growth slows or stops as well.
Too much light can also cause problems. The hoya can tolerate full sun during the spring and fall.
However, the strong summer sun is too much for them. This can cause the leaves to burn, and turn yellow or brown. The leaves may also become pale because they are bleached by the sun.
When the leaves get damaged by the sun, the plant’s growth will slow or stop.
Instead of full sun, they do better with indirect, but bright, sunlight. They need at least 6 to 8 hours of light a day.
If you place it in a window with strong sun in summer, be sure to move the plant in the afternoon. This will keep it from getting the harshest direct sunlight. In the winter, you’ll want it near a window with plenty of sun.
You can also use artificial light. A grow light can be beneficial for hoyas. It takes the stress out of ensuring they get the right amount of natural light.
5. Humidity
Hoyas are tropical plants that prefer a high humidity level. Some species require high humidity for growth or even survival. However, all species can benefit from a humid growing environment.
One method for keeping your hoya humid is a pebble tray. Fill a container halfway with stones, and add water just below the stones. Place your hoya on top of the pebbles.
You don’t want the water to come in through the drainage holes in the pot, so keep the water at the proper level. You do want the water in the tray to evaporate around your hoya.
Misting can also help. Simply fill a spray bottle with water. Mist the hoyas leaves once or twice a week.
Summing It Up
Getting a hoya to grow faster simply requires good basic care. Give it the right growing conditions, and it will grow at a steady rate.
However, some species are slow growing, so you should know what to expect in terms of growth. With some patience and care, you will be enjoying your hoya for years to come.