Peace Lily Drooping After Repotting: 4 Main Reasons

A peace lily drooping after repotting isn’t as uncommon as you would think.

When you repot your peace lily, it can take a while for the plant to get over the sudden change. Transplant shock is the most common reason for drooping leaves after repotting, but it can also be due to other problems like overwatering or repotting during the winter.

In this guide, we’ll cover four reasons for drooping peace lily leaves after repotting and what you can do to help your plant recover successfully after repotting.

Let’s get straight into it.

4 Reasons Why Your Peace Lily Is Drooping After Repotting

Here are the four most common reasons why your peace lily is drooping after repotting.

1. Transplant Shock

Transplant shock is the most common reason for drooping peace lily leaves after repotting, and there isn’t a whole lot you can do to prevent it.

Transplant shock is simply a term used to describe the stress caused to plants when they are repotted.

This happens because it is completely unnatural for a plant to be removed from the soil and planted somewhere else.

Transplant shock usually lasts for a week or two as the roots slowly get used to their new environment and start to grow.

2. Wrong Type Of Soil

Another reason your peace lily is drooping could be due to using the wrong type of soil.

Peace lilies require well-draining soil – think succulent mixes or DIY soil mixes made with potting soil and things like perlite, sand, or bark.

Peace Lily soil up close
Make sure you use the right type of soil when repotting your peace lily

If you repot using the wrong type of soil, it can cause several short-term and longer-term problems for the plant.

For example, if the soil drains too quickly, your peace lily will become underwatered, causing the leaves to droop and turn brown and crispy.

If the soil doesn’t drain well, then overwatering can quickly become a problem leading to wilting and yellowing leaves.

3. Overwatering/Overfertilizing After Repotting

After repotting into fresh soil, it’s a good idea to water the soil thoroughly and fertilize it to help your peace lily grow.

It can be easy to overdo this, though, and you may end up overwatering the soil or going overboard with fertilizer and burning the roots; both of which lead to drooping leaves and more severe issues like root rot if they are not addressed.

4. Wrong Time Of Year To Repot

If you repot your peace lily during the winter or fall when its growth rate will be significantly slower, it may struggle to grow new roots quickly after repotting.

It’s best to repot during the springtime as this is when there will be less foliage than during the summer to support, but the roots will also be able to grow quickly.

What To Do If Your Peace Lily Droops After Repotting

It’s important not to stress and make a rash decision if your peace lily is drooping after repotting.

Instead, follow the steps below to identify what exactly is causing the drooping so you can fix the problem properly.


After repotting a peace lily, it’s normal for the plant to show some signs of stress, like drooping.

This is completely normal and is a part of transplant shock – in most cases, your peace lily will recover quickly.

Give your peace lily some time to adjust to its new environment and potting mix. It’s important to be patient and allow the plant to recover on its own.

If Drooping Persists

If the drooping doesn’t improve after a few days or worsens, there could be some other reasons to blame.

Several green peace lily leaves

Drooping is commonly caused by overwatering or underwatering, and depending on the soil mix that you used for repotting, this could be to blame.

Check The Soil

Check the soil for signs of overwatering or underwatering.

If the soil is dry below an inch or two, then it needs to be watered. If you can see water on the surface of the soil, then it has been overwatered.

At this stage, you need to check whether you used a well-draining soil mix or not. If the soil is overwatered, it can be hard to check this, so try to remember what type of soil you used.

If you didn’t use a well-draining soil mix, you will need to repot again with the right type of soil.

Check You Are Meeting The Other Care Requirements

If you are using the right type of soil, the last thing to check is the other care requirements to see if you are meeting them.

These can also contribute to drooping leaves:

  • Light: Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light, so place your plant in a spot where it can receive filtered sunlight without direct exposure. Too much direct sunlight will scorch the leaves and cause them to droop.
  • Temperature: Maintain a temperature between 65-80°F (18-27°C) for optimal growth. Avoid placing your peace lily near cold drafts or close to heat sources.
  • Humidity: Peace lilies love humidity, so try placing the pot over a tray filled with pebbles and water or using a humidifier to maintain humidity levels between 40-60%.

How Often Should You Repot A Peace Lily?

Peace lilies typically require repotting every few years.

The ideal repotting interval can vary depending on several factors, such as the plant’s size and overall health.

However, it is important to pay attention to the signals your peace lily gives you to determine when it’s time for a new pot.

You may notice that your peace lily’s roots have become compacted and root bound. Roots visible at the surface are a clear sign of this, and you can lift your plant out of its container to check (root-bound peace lilies should be easy to remove due to a lack of soil).

This is a clear sign that the plant needs more space to grow. Another indication for repotting is if your peace lily begins to wilt or droop, despite receiving proper care and attention.

This could mean that the plant’s roots are struggling to absorb enough nutrients and water from the soil. Keeping an eye on the plant’s signals will help you know when it’s time for a new pot.

Tips For Repotting A Peace Lily To Avoid Drooping

The tips below will help you not only repot your peace lily properly but they will also reduce the likelihood of the leaves drooping after repotting.

Transplant shock can’t really be avoided, but as long as you get everything else right, then your peace lily will get over the initial shock quickly.

Choose The Right Type Of Soil

When repotting your peace lily, it’s crucial to select the appropriate type of soil.

A well-draining potting mix, like one containing sand or perlite, will promote healthy root growth and prevent root rot.

Succulent soil mixes and cactus soil mixes also work well if you want to use a pre-made mix.

Choose The Right Size Pot With Drainage Holes

Selecting the proper pot size is also essential for your peace lily’s health.

Use a container that’s 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one. This will allow the roots to grow without becoming root-bound.

Opt for a pot with drainage holes to avoid waterlogging and promote proper moisture management, as peace lilies are sensitive to overwatering and standing water.

Watering After Repotting

When watering your peace lily after repotting, don’t go overboard at first, and make sure the drainage holes aren’t blocked.

Water so that the soil is moist, and wait for the top inch to dry out before watering again.

Repot During Spring

Spring is the best time to repot your peace lily, as there will be less foliage to support than in the summer but a good root growth rate to support new growth after repotting.

In Summary

By following the tips in this article you should be able to repot your peace lily successfully and minimize the amount of leaf drooping that occurs.

Want to learn more about peace lilies? Check out some of our other recent articles below:

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About Me

Hi, I'm Joe! I'm the head of SEO and content management at Bloom and Bumble. I'm a huge plant lover and over the years my home has become more like an indoor rainforest. It has taken a lot of trial and error to keep my plants healthy and so I'm here to share my knowledge to the rest of the world.

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