ZZ Plant VS Snake Plant (Key Similarities And Differences)

If you’re comparing a zz plant vs snake plant, there are quite a few differences between the two, and it’s important to weigh these up when choosing between them.

These two plants share a very similar care requirement and can actually be planted together. The main differences come from sunlight preferences as well as their appearances.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at the similarities and differences between these two popular houseplants to get a better idea of which one may be more suited for you.


When comparing zz plants and snake plants, there are a lot more similarities than you would first expect.

Perhaps this is why so many people struggle to decide between them.

Easy To Care For

Both snake and zz plants are known for being easy to care for.

This makes them particularly suited to novice houseplant keepers or those who want a low-maintenance option to spruce up a room. There are some subtle differences in their care, but I’ll get into those in a bit.


Temperatures should always be above 45°F-50°F (7°C-10°C) for each plant, with an ideal temperature between 60°F and 80°F (15°C-26°C).


In terms of humidity, both plants are easily pleased.

Average humidity levels of 40% (commonly found in the house) are fine for both plants, but if you find that the humidity in your home is lower than this, you can consider using a pebble tray or humidifier to bump it up.

You can also simply move them to your bathroom or kitchen, where humidity levels are likely to be higher naturally.

Watering Needs

When it comes to watering, both plants are happy to be watered when the top few inches of soil are completely dried out.

In fact, it’s best to water these plants less than you should than more, as they are both prone to overwatering problems.


Due to their vulnerability to overwatering, both plants require well-draining soil.

ZZ plants are more robust in terms of what types of soil you can use, whereas snake plants prefer well-draining soil with the addition of sand, but generally speaking, they have similar soil requirements.

Toxic To Pets

One of the negatives of both of these plants is that they are toxic to cats and dogs.

Some symptoms of ingestion include vomiting and diarrhea, so if you have any pets, you should consider keeping them away from these plants. Dogs are much safer to keep around these plants as you can simply place them out of reach, whereas cats can be more difficult.


The main difference between zz plants vs snake plants is in their appearance.

This is usually the deciding factor when choosing between the two. I personally prefer snake plants, but this of course varies between different people.


Both of these plants originate in Africa, but snake plants originate in tropical Western Africa, while zz plants are from Eastern Africa.


These two plants have very different sizes and appearances.

A ZZ Plant in a white pot outside
ZZ Plant

ZZ plants have lots of small and round green leaves and can grow anywhere up to 5 feet long.

A snake plant in a brown pot on a coffee table
Snake Plant

Snake plants, on the other hand, have long and sharp green-banded leaves that sometimes have yellow features. They can grow up to 12 feet long, and the leaves themselves are much larger than those on zz plants and can reach up to 2 feet long.

Can I Plant A ZZ Plant With A Snake Plant?

ZZ plants can grow in the same pot as snake plants as they share most care requirements.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to plant them together, however:

  • Opt for bright, indirect light – ZZ plants can become scorched by the sun if they are placed in a location with lots of direct sunlight. Snake plants may prefer this location, but they can adapt to bright, indirect sunlight and still experience good growth; so opt for this configuration when they are planted together.
  • Choose A Large Pot – When planting two plants together in the same pot you need to provide ample space for each of their root systems to grow. You can do this by providing a space roughly 10-20% larger than the total area of the two pots that they are currently growing in.
  • Soil Mix – Since zz plants are comfortable in most soils, opt for a well-draining, sandy soil mix that will suit the snake plant as well as the zz plant. This will ensure that both plants are comfortable in the soil.

Keep these in mind, and you should have no problems when planting a zz plant together with a snake plant.

Final Thoughts

When it boils down to it both of these plants are super easy to care for, it just depends on which one you prefer aesthetically.

I’m on team snake plant, but I can definitely see myself purchasing a zz plant in the future.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Joe! I'm the head of SEO and content management at Bloom and Bumble. I'm a huge plant lover and over the years my home has become more like an indoor rainforest. It has taken a lot of trial and error to keep my plants healthy and so I'm here to share my knowledge to the rest of the world.

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