How Often To Water Peace Lily In Winter: An Owner’s Guide

Want to know how often to water peace lily in winter?

You’ve come to the right place.

I’ve found that the watering requirements for peace lilies become much lower during the winter. You only need to water when the top inch to two inches of soil dries out, which can be anywhere from a week to a month during the winter, depending on your conditions.

In this guide, I’ll take you through everything there is to know about watering peace lilies during winter, so let’s get straight into it.

Watering Peace Lilies In Winter

Watering peace lilies in winter is super easy; you just need to know what you’re doing.

Do Peace Lilies Need Less Water In Winter?

Yes, peace lilies typically require less water during the winter months.

Several peace lily leaves up close
One of my peace lilies

Their growth slows down due to reduced sunlight and cooler temperatures, so they need less water.

How To Water Peace Lilies In Winter

Here’s a quick guide for watering your peace lily properly during winter.

1. Check The Soil Moisture Regularly

It’s important to monitor the soil moisture level to ensure you’re not overwatering (or underwatering) your peace lily in winter.

Several peace lily stems coming out of soil up close

To do this, check the top inch to two inches of soil with your hand. If they are dry, then it’s time to water the soil.

2. Adjust Your Watering Schedule As Needed

I always recommend avoiding a strict schedule when watering peace lilies and other houseplants, especially during the winter.

This is a one-way ticket to overwatering, so always check the soil before watering to better control the soil moisture level.

3. Use An Appropriate Amount Of Water

When watering peace lilies in winter, it is important to ensure they receive adequate water.

I usually provide around an inch of water each time, which works well. This can vary depending on the size of your peace lily, though.

Common Problems With Watering Peace Lilies In Winter

Here are some of the common problems peace lilies face during winter regarding watering.

I’ve encountered several of these myself, so take it from me when I say it’s worth knowing about them!


Overwatering is the most common issue for peace lilies in the winter months. Your peace lily will likely require less water as its growth slows during this time.

If you keep watering your peace lily like usual, it will quickly become overwatered, leading to many issues.

Common early symptoms of overwatering include yellowing and drooping leaves.

Root Rot

Root rot will follow overwatering very quickly and occurs for two main reasons:

  • Roots suffocate in the standing water resulting from overwatering. As they die, they start to rot, which spreads to other roots.
  • Dormant fungi in the soil can also become active in overwatered conditions, leading to root rot.

Root rot is a very serious issue and needs to be addressed quickly to save your plant.

Attracts Pests

Pests such as fungus gnats, mealybugs, and spider mites are attracted to the damp conditions created by overwatering.

Lots of pests feed on the sap found within peace lily leaves, damaging them and leaving behind a sticky honeydew residue, promoting the growth of sooty mold.

Other Things To Consider During Winter

Here are some other things to consider when caring for your peace lily during winter.

The Growth Rate Will Slow Down Significantly

During winter, your peace lily’s growth rate will slow down significantly due to the colder temperatures and reduced sunlight.

This is a natural process, so don’t be alarmed when your plant doesn’t grow as quickly as it did in the warmer months.

Less Blooming

Another aspect of winter care for Peace Lilies is that they will produce fewer blooms during the colder months.

This is normal, and there’s no need to worry about it.

Slightly root bound peace lilies will produce more flowers, but this will happen much less frequently in winter.

Fertilizer Isn’t Necessary

Fertilizing your peace lily is great during the growing months, but it isn’t as necessary during winter.

Overfertilizing is a real problem – if you continue fertilizing during winter when your peace lily isn’t absorbing as many nutrients, the soil can become concentrated with salt.

This can burn the roots and reduce the moisture content of the soil, so it’s important to fertilize much less often (or not at all) during the winter.

Bringing Your Peace Lily Inside

Something to consider during the winter is bringing your peace lily inside if it is grown outside.

Peace lilies can grow outside in zones 10-12 but are not frost tolerant and will suffer if the temperature suddenly drops outside. It’s also much easier to control how much you water your peace lily.

Should You Mist A Peace Lily In Winter?

Misting a peace lily during winter is a bad idea, and in fact, misting a peace lily at any time during the year is also a bad idea – here’s why:

  • Misting only increases humidity for a short period, and is not as effective as using a pebble tray, grouping your peace lily near other plants, or using a humidifier.
  • Misting, especially in the winter when temperatures are low, increases moisture on the leaves. This can attract pests and cause fungus to grow.

It’s important to keep an eye on humidity during the winter, as it can drop pretty low.

If you need to boost humidity, consider using a pebble tray, grouping your peace lily near another humidity-loving plant, or using a humidifier instead of misting.

What Is The Best Place For Peace Lily During Winter?

The ideal place for a peace lily during winter is somewhere with plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and consistent temperature and humidity.

These conditions are often found indoors, but make sure to monitor the humidity as this tends to be lower during the winter.

In Summary

Taking care of a peace lily in winter is arguably much easier than in summer; you just have to avoid overwatering and overfertilizing to keep your plant happy.

Remember to only water when the top inch to two inches of soil become dry, and try to find a bright location for your peace lily to support growth.

Want to learn more about peace lilies? Check out some of our other recent articles below:

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About Me

Hi, I'm Joe! I'm the head of SEO and content management at Bloom and Bumble. I'm a huge plant lover and over the years my home has become more like an indoor rainforest. It has taken a lot of trial and error to keep my plants healthy and so I'm here to share my knowledge to the rest of the world.

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