Can You Replant A Yucca Branch? (Owner’s Top Tips)

Sometimes there’s no option but to remove a branch of your yucca, but can you replant a yucca branch, or do you just have to throw it away?

Luckily for you, you can replant yucca branches, and they will start to develop roots and grow quickly. There are a few tips you need to know to make this process go as smoothly as possible, including how actually to cut the branch and what to do with the cut area.

Let’s get right into it.

How To Replant A Yucca Branch

Replanting a yucca branch is actually quite easy.

I’ve only attempted this with a smaller yucca that I keep indoors, but the same principles apply to any yucca.

Cut A Branch Off

When I first started replanting yucca branches, I learned that it’s essential to choose a healthy branch.

To do this, carefully examine the yucca plant and select a branch with firm, green leaves.

Next, use a clean, sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the branch off. Make sure to make a clean, angled cut if you can.


Once the branch is removed, it’s time to place it into a new pot or into the ground.

In my case, I prepared a small pot with well-draining soil, ensuring it had drainage holes at the bottom.

I then placed the cut end of the branch into the soil, covering about 1/4 of the cutting.

This will vary depending on the size of the branch – if your branch is bigger, you may need to put more of it into the soil. Remember that the roots are not developed so it won’t have as much support.

To help the branch establish roots, you can use root hormone.

I’ve never used this myself, but I have heard from others that it can work. In my case, the roots developed fine without it.

Use The Right Type Of Soil

Yucca plants are native to places like Mexico and the southwestern United States and thrive in well-draining slightly sandy soil.

In my experience, creating the ideal soil mix for yuccas involves combining the following:

  • All-purpose potting soil
  • Perlite (or coarse sand)
  • Compost (This provides nutrients and helps boost growth rate)

Mixing these components creates a well-draining, nutrient-rich environment for my yucca cuttings to grow.

Water Thoroughly

Finally, after planting my yucca cutting in the appropriate soil, I watered it thoroughly.

Yucca plants can be quite drought-tolerant, but it’s essential to establish a strong root system during the early stages.

I made sure the soil was evenly moist but not overly saturated.

Over time, reduce the frequency of watering as the branch developed new roots, taking care to ensure that the soil don’t dry out completely between waterings.

Once my yucca cutting was well-established, I transitioned to watering it only when the top inch of soil became dry.

If you want more advice for watering yuccas, check out my guide here.

Does This Damage The Rest Of The Plant?

When I first tried replanting a yucca branch, I was concerned about causing damage to the rest of the plant. However, if done correctly, the process can be quite beneficial.

There are just a few things to keep in mind to make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Before cutting the branch, make sure that your tools are disinfected and sharp enough to cut straight through.

This is important to prevent the spread of disease and to make a clean cut.

I selected a healthy branch and cut it at a 45-degree angle, about an inch or two from the main trunk. This angle helps to promote new growth and reduce the chances of rot.

What To Do With The Cut Area

After cutting a branch from my Yucca plant, I always ensure that the cut area is properly treated to prevent any disease or decay.

Proper care of this area is vital for the continued health and growth of the Yucca plant.

First, I clean the cut area with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris that might have settled during the cutting process.

Rather than sealing the cut with a product such as a tree pruning sealer, let the cut heal itself. This may sound controversial, but it’s actually the best thing to do, according to research.

An indoor yucca plant on a wooden floor
One of my indoor yucca plants

If you’re worried about infections in particularly humid environments, then consider using a layer of cinnamon.

Once that’s done, you just need to make sure you are caring for your yucca properly so it can heal itself. I always try to follow the tips below:

  • Monitor the cut area, watching for any signs of disease or decay.
  • Maintain the Yucca plant’s regular watering schedule, ensuring it receives adequate moisture to sustain its growth.
  • Provide enough sunlight for the Yucca plant to thrive. Outdoor yuccas tend to like direct sunlight more than indoor yuccas who like bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Prune back any other dead, damaged, or diseased branches, being careful not to cut into the recently-wounded area.

That’s pretty much all there is to it!

In Summary

If you want to cut off a yucca branch for whatever reason, it’s very unlikely to affect the rest of the plant.

You’ll also be able to plant the branch into fresh soil and it will grow roots quickly, giving you a new yucca plant to look after.

Use the tips in this article to make sure you do it right.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Joe! I'm the head of SEO and content management at Bloom and Bumble. I'm a huge plant lover and over the years my home has become more like an indoor rainforest. It has taken a lot of trial and error to keep my plants healthy and so I'm here to share my knowledge to the rest of the world.

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