Ponytail palms can tolerate a range of humidity levels, but should you mist your ponytail palm?
In my experience, misting a ponytail palm isn’t worth it. Misting only increases humidity over a short period, and it isn’t like ponytail palms require particularly high humidity as it is.
If you need to increase the humidity of your ponytail palm, there are better ways to do it without attracting pests or promoting fungal growth.
This guide will cover everything there is to know about misting ponytail palms and their preferred humidity levels, so let’s get straight into it.
Do Ponytail Palms Like Humidity?
Ponytail palm plants are unique in appearance and highly adaptable to different temperatures and humidities.
They can tolerate high humidity levels but not for long periods.
Humidity between 40 and 50% is ideal for most ponytail palms, and I’ve found that if you keep the humidity higher than this, it can affect the leaves pretty quickly.
Luckily the average humidity in any house is anywhere from 30 to 50%, so it’s very likely that the humidity level is suitable anyway or needs to be increased slightly.
Does Misting Increase Humidity?
Misting your plants can indeed increase humidity around them, but only for a short period of time – it also relies on the temperatures being high enough to evaporate the moisture quickly.
If the temperatures are low, the moisture becomes stagnant on the leaves, which can quickly promote fungal growth.
If it’s particularly hot, on the other hand, the water droplets will evaporate quickly, which only increases the humidity for a short amount of time.
How To Check The Humidity
The best piece of advice I can give for ponytail palms and most other houseplants, in general, is to measure the humidity before you make any changes.
You can use a hygrometer for this; they are inexpensive and give you a reading in seconds.
Once you know the humidity level, you can decide if you need to increase or decrease the humidity.
Problems Misting Can Cause
Aside from not increasing the humidity consistently, misting can lead to several other issues.
Attracts Pests
Misting your ponytail palm may create a damp environment attractive to pests.
Pests like aphids and mealybugs love moisture, and if the soil becomes moist as well, this creates the ideal breeding ground for pests like fungus gnats.
Spreads & Causes Disease
Frequent misting can contribute to the spreading and developing diseases in your ponytail palm.
Excess moisture on the leaves can lead to fungal growth quickly; if there are nearby plants, misting can lead to diseases spreading between them quickly.
Problems With Relying On Misting
Misting is a problem itself, but it can also cause issues if you rely entirely on misting to maintain humidity levels for your ponytail palm.
Relying on misting 100% means that the humidity level will consistently be lower than you want. This can lead to classic symptoms of low humidity:
- Brown Leaf Tips And Edges – Low humidity around the leaves causes them to lose moisture quickly. This usually happens at the tips and leaf edges first.
- Dry And Crispy Leaves – If the leaves start to lose moisture more rapidly, this quickly spreads to the entire leaf, causing it to go crispy and brown, similarly to how they would from underwatering.
- Low Growth Rate – Humidity affects transpiration, affecting the stomatal openings that control water loss. This directly impacts photosynthesis, which is a driving factor in the overall growth rate.
If you have measured the humidity and need to increase it, there are some alternatives listed below that are much more suitable.
Alternatives To Misting
Here are some alternatives to misting that will increase humidity consistently – make sure to measure the humidity before implementing any of these techniques.
Pebble Tray
One alternative to misting that you can try is using a pebble tray.
To create a pebble tray, find a shallow tray or dish, fill it with pebbles or small stones, and then add water just below the top of the pebbles.
Place your ponytail palm pot on the tray without the pot’s base sitting in the water.
Over time, water will slowly evaporate, which increases the humidity above.
Another alternative is to use a humidifier in the room where you keep your ponytail palm.
A humidifier can be beneficial during the dry winter when indoor humidity levels tend to drop. Just be careful; humidifiers can increase humidity quite a lot, especially if you don’t use one that allows the level to be programmed.
Grouping Plants
Finally, consider grouping your ponytail palm with other plants in your home.
Plants release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. By grouping several plants together, you can create a microclimate of increased humidity that will benefit all the plants in the group.
I like to do this, and I’ve found that it works well.
In Summary
There are much better alternatives to misting to increase the humidity of your ponytail palm if you need to increase it at all.
Most of the time, misting is unnecessary to start off with, as ponytail palms prefer a lower humidity to start off with. Always measure the humidity before you implement any tactics to improve humidity.
Want to learn more about ponytail palms? Check out some of our other recent articles below: